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Add or remove an email address to which Norton Family sends notifications

Norton Family sends notifications and other reports about your child's online activities to the email address that you use to login to your account. If needed, you can also add up to five email addresses to which you want to receive notifications.

Add an email address to your account

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Select the child for whom you want to add an email address to receive activity notifications.

  3. Click View Profile.

  4. Under On which email addresses do you want to receive Child's Activity Notifications, click Add Email.

  5. Enter the email address and then click Add.

    You cannot edit or remove the primary email address. You can add up to five email addresses to which you want to receive notifications.

Remove an email address from your account

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Select the child for whom you want to remove an email address that receives activity notifications.

  3. Click View Profile.

  4. Under On which email addresses do you want to receive Child's Activity Notifications, click next to the email address that you want to remove.

Start or stop receiving activity notifications to your primary email address

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Select the child whom you want to manage.

  3. Click View Profile.

  4. Under On which email addresses do you want to receive Child's Activity Notifications, move the slider next to the primary email address to Off or On.

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DOCID: v127422938
Operačný systém: Android;Windows;iOS
Naposledy zmenené: 19.08.2024