
Error: "8506,421"

In many cases, this error can be fixed by restarting the computer. If the problem persists even after you restart the computer, you need to uninstall and reinstall your Norton product. Download and run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool to uninstall your product.

Run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool

If you have Norton Family installed, uninstall it before you run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool.

  1. Download the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool.

    Save the file to the Windows desktop. On some browsers, the file is automatically saved to its default location.

  2. To open the Downloads window in your browser, press the Ctrl + J key.

  3. Double-click the NRnR icon.

  4. Read the license agreement, and click Agree.

  5. Click Advanced Options.

  6. Click Remove Only.

  7. Click Remove.

  8. Click Restart Now.

    After the computer restarts, follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall your Norton product.






文件識別碼 (ID): v80281719
作業系統: Windows
上次修改時間: 2023/09/06