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Error: "We were unable to register your Software Token. Try another security code"

This issue occurs when you use the same mobile authenticator to configure both primary and backup using the same account name. To fix this problem, do the following:

Use a different mobile authenticator
  1. Verify if the registered authenticator app is correct.

  2. Use a different authenticator app or mobile number to configure the backup two-factor authentication recovery method.

    Use only one mobile authenticator or mobile number to retrieve the two-factor codes when the mobile is lost or when the app is uninstalled.

  3. If you don't want to configure the backup two-factor authentication recovery using a different authenticator or a mobile number, we suggest configuring two-factor authentication with the same authenticator app by generating a different account name with QR Scan.

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DOCID: v137603108
İşletim Sistemi: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Son değişiklik tarihi: 05/06/2024