Iné produkty

Manage your programs with Norton Utilities Ultimate

Norton Utilities Ultimate helps you identify unused programs and act on them to free up space to help improve your computer's performance.

After you scan, Norton Utilities Ultimate identifies and lists all the unused programs in the Programs window.

You can either isolate these programs or uninstall them completely with the following tools:

  • Uninstall Simulator helps you isolate programs without uninstalling them. This way, you can scale the program's impact on your computer's performance and act. You can configure Norton Utilities Ultimate to uninstall the isolated programs after a specific period automatically.

  • Uninstaller helps you completely remove programs. When you uninstall a program, all hard-to-find leftover files get removed along.

Manage programs with Uninstall Simulator

  1. Open Norton Utilities Ultimate.

  2. On the main menu, click Programs.

  3. In the Programs window, click Uninstall Simulator.

  4. Depending on the action you want, do the following:

    • To isolate a program, click Simulate.

    • To restore a program from isolation, click Restore.

    • To uninstall a program, click the trash can icon and Uninstall.

Remove programs with Uninstaller

  1. Open Norton Utilities Ultimate.

  2. On the main menu, click Programs.

  3. In the Programs window, click Uninstaller.

  4. Next to the program you want to remove, click Uninstall.

  5. In the confirmation window, click Uninstall.

    Important: Programs and associated files are removed permanently. This action cannot be undone.

Automatically uninstall isolated programs

  1. Open Norton Utilities Ultimate.

  2. On the main menu, click Settings.

  3. In the Settings window, click Programs.

  4. Under Uninstall Simulator, choose an interval after which your Norton product should uninstall the isolated programs.

    Your options are:

    • Never

    • After 2 weeks

    • After 1 month

    • After 3 months

    • After 6 months

    • After 1 year

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DOCID: v20230411201743637
Operačný systém: Windows
Naposledy zmenené: 16.05.2024