Iné produkty

Message: "You Are At Risk"

The appearance of this message may not be due to any threats.

When you see this alert on the product, click Fix Now. If your Norton product cannot fix the problem with the feature, or cannot run LiveUpdate or a scan, you may see a different error in the Fix Now window.

Select one of the following:

Problems with Secure Cloud Storage space

Your Norton product subscription comes with an allotment of Secure Cloud Storage space. When your Norton product performs a cloud backup, it calculates the amount of space that it needs for the backup.
If your cloud storage does not contain sufficient space for the backup, your Norton product notifies you. You can either choose to buy a higher plan or remove the previously backed up files and free up some space.

Provision to buy additional cloud storage is not available for the Norton 360 plans. For the Norton 360 plans, you must upgrade to the next higher plan. For more details, contact Member Services and Support.

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Ďakujeme vám za pomoc pri zlepšení používateľskej skúsenosti.

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Vyhľadajte riešenie alebo nás kontaktujte.

DOCID: v119294825
Operačný systém: Windows
Naposledy zmenené: 05.08.2024