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Respond to App Advisor detections in Norton 360 for Android

App Advisor analyzes the apps you have installed from Google Play based on various security and privacy criteria. It then provides insights into any potential risks associated with those apps. We recommend you read the app insights carefully before you decide to trust or uninstall the app from your device.

Based on the recommendation, you can then trust or uninstall the app.

Report a false positive to Norton for Data harvesting apps and potentially risky apps

If you think Norton has incorrectly detected an app as risky or suspicious and want to report it to us, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the Norton 360 app.

  2. Tap Security and then tap App Security.

  3. Under the Data Harvesting Apps and Potentially Risky Apps section, tap the app that you want to report to Norton.

  4. At the top-right corner, tap the report_issue icon, and then tap Report an issue.

  5. Under What issue are you having? (required), tap and select the option from the drop-down list. If the issue type is not listed in the drop-down list, you have the option to describe your issue in the description section.

  6. Tap Send.

  7. In the confirmation alert, tap Ok.

    Norton's mobile team analyzes the app and updates the privacy scores accordingly.

  8. You can also choose to trust the app so that Norton can add it to the trusted list. Tap the app that you want to trust and then tap Trust app.

    If you do not trust the app after reviewing the Privacy Report, you may need to uninstall the app. If you want to uninstall an app, tap on the app, and then tap Uninstall

Respond to App Advisor detections for Malware apps

We recommend that you uninstall the apps that are listed under the Malware apps category. If you think that Norton has incorrectly detected an app as risky or suspicious and if you want to report it to us, follow the steps below:

  1. If you have received a malware alert from Norton, in the alert message, tap Not Malware?. Then go to step 5.

  2. If you have closed the malware alert then launch the Norton 360 app.

  3. Tap Security and then tap App Security.

  4. Under the Malware Apps section, tap report.

  5. In the Report False Positive screen, under App or File, choose and select the app that you want to report to Norton.

  6. In the description section, you must describe and provide a reason on why think that the detected app is not a malware.

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DOCID: v20230714120802209
Operačný systém: Android
Naposledy zmenené: 20.02.2024