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Error: "Norton 360 keeps stopping" on your Android device

To fix this problem, update the Android System WebView and Google Chrome app to the latest version.


Update Android System WebView and Google Chrome app

  1. Launch the Google Play Store app on your mobile.

  2. In the top-right corner of the screen, tap on your profile icon, and then tap Manage apps & device.
  3. Under the Overview tab, tap Updates available.

  4. Do the following:

    • Scroll down to the Android System WebView app and tap Update corresponding to the Android System WebView app.

    • Scroll down to the Google Chrome app and tap Update corresponding to the Google Chrome app.

If the problem persists, uninstall and reinstall the Norton 360 app.


Uninstall Norton 360 app

  1. From the home screen, tap and hold on to the Norton 360 app icon, and then move it to the Uninstall option at the top.

  2. In the confirmation alert, tap Ok to remove the Norton 360 app from your device.


Install Norton 360 app

  1. On your Android device, launch the Google Play Store app, and search for Norton 360 app.

  2. On the Norton 360 app screen, tap Install.

  3. When the installation finishes, tap Open.

  4. Read and accept the License and Services Agreement, acknowledge our Global Privacy Statement, and then tap Sign in.

  5. Type your Norton account email address and password, and then tap Sign In.

    If you see any problems with installing Norton 360 app on your mobile device, make sure that your device has the latest version of the Google Play Store app, and all the latest system updates installed.

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DOCID: v125107093
Operačný systém: Android
Naposledy zmenené: 04.04.2024