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Download and install Norton Ad Blocker

Norton Ad Blocker enhances your browsing experience by blocking unwanted ads in your Safari browser. You can directly download and install Norton Ad Blocker on your iOS device from the App Store.

Download and install Norton Ad Blocker

  1. On your iOS device, from the springboard, launch App Store.

  2. Search for Norton Ad Blocker.

  3. From the search results, next to Norton Ad Blocker, tap Get, and then tap Install to download the app.

  4. After the download finishes, Ad Blocker icon appears on the device's Home screen. Tap the Ad Blocker icon to launch the app.

  5. Read the Norton License Agreement and Terms of Use, and tap Agree & Set Up.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • To allow Norton Ad Blocker notifications when important new features are available, tap Turn On Notifications and then tap OK

    • If you do not want Norton Ad Blocker notifications to be displayed, tap No Thanks.

  7. From the springboard, launch Settings to open device's settings.

  8. Select Safari, and then select Content Blockers.

  9. Tap Ad Blocker to turn it on.

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DOCID: v115518359
Operačný systém: Windows
Naposledy zmenené: 06.09.2023