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Dispute website categorization

Based on the web house rule that you set, Norton Family blocks, or allows a website that belongs to a specific category. Sometimes you may think that the categorization of the website is wrong. Miscategorization could occur due to human error or if the website content was modified and the existing category is no longer applicable. In such cases, use the following information to raise a request to change the categorization of the website.

Dispute website categorization

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Select the child whom you want to manage.

  3. Under Web tile, click View Details.

  4. On a website activity entry that you want to dispute or get changed, click more options icon and then click Dispute Category.
  5. Add or remove appropriate categories for the website.

  6. Type a brief explanation about why the website should be under the category that you selected.

  7. Click Submit for Review.

If you are using Google account to sign in to Norton Family account, make sure that you sign out from your Google account in your browser after finishing the Norton Family setup.

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DOCID: v128056427
Operačný systém: Android;Windows;iOS
Naposledy zmenené: 05.08.2024