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How to cancel a monthly product purchased at an au shop and check the automatic renewal setting

Customers using Norton annual products (1 year / 2 years / 3 years) bought at an au shop can switch to monthly products after the contract period ends. If you do not wish to continue, you do not need to do anything. (When the contract period of the annual ends, the usage period of the Norton product will end.)
When your annual subscription is about to expire, an SMS message will be sent to your mobile phone to remind you to renew. If you wish to continue, please click on the URL in the SMS, continue to the "confirmation of contract status" page, and enter your payment information.

Cancellation procedure

  1. From your Device or PC, open the link on the SMS https://jp.norton.com/au.
    *If it is not from the URL on SMS, please open the https://au.pismo.tech/login site and move to step 3.
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  2. Click Contract status confirmation page. A log in page is displayed.
  3. After entering the mobile phone number at the time of the contract, select how to receive the verification code. Receive by short mail or Receive by voice call. When you receive the verification code, enter the code and click Login.
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    *If you did not receive the verification code, click Resend verification code. If you do not receive the verification code even after resending it twice, you will be taken to the Register mobile number screen. Enter your mobile number twice and click Register.
  4. From the license information screen, click Cancel monthly service.
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  5. The procedure is completed for cancellation. We do not send cancellation notices for cancellation. If Cancelled is displayed under License Type on the license information page, then the cancellation is complete.
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    You can use the service within the same month that you cancel the product. The billing will stop the month after cancellation.

Automatic Renewal setting confirmation

After logging in from the login page (https://au.pismo.tech/login), you can select to terminate the automatic renewal service from [License Information].

Click on the Cancel Auto renewal or Cancel Monthly product.
After that, when you see the message "Automatic renewal service has been cancelled", then the cancellation is complete.

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*To view my page, click the person icon on the upper right.


If you have any questions about Norton site for au customers, please visit the following site or contact them by email. They will usually respond within two business days.
Идентификатор документа (DOCID): v20230504142152891
Операционная система: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Последнее изменение: 05/06/2024