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Recover accidentally deleted files using Norton Utilities Ultimate

Search and Recover lets you recover many types of lost files by searching the drive of your choice.

Files that are deleted using Norton Utilities Ultimate's File Shredder tool are not recoverable.

Run Search and Recover

  1. Open Norton Utilities Ultimate.

  2. On the left pane, click Toolbox > Recover.

  3. In the Recover window, click Search and Recover.

  4. Under Search options, select the drive to search and the location to save the file.

  5. Choose one of the following:

    • Use SmartScan: Eliminates irrelevant and the useless junk files from searching.

    • Use Strong Scan: Perform a sector-level search and reassemble data. This process significantly increases search time.

  6. Click Search.

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Identyfikator dokumentu: v138364648
System operacyjny: Windows
Ostatnia modyfikacja: 18/04/2024