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Error: "Norton AntiTrack installation has encountered an error and is unable to continue" appears while installing Norton AntiTrack

This error can occur when Norton AntiTrack does not get downloaded or installed correctly. To fix this issue, restart the computer and install Norton AntiTrack again.

Install Norton AntiTrack app

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Type in your email address and password for Norton, and click Sign In.

  3. In the My Account page, under Norton AntiTrack, click Download.

  4. In the Get Started window, copy the Activation Key that is provided as you need to enter it during the activation process.

  5. Click Agree and Download.

    Click the License and Services Agreement link and read the agreement before you download and install Norton.

  6. Press Ctrl + J key, to open the Downloads window in your browser, and double-click the file that you downloaded.

  7. If the User Account Control window appears, click Continue.

    Follow the on-screen instructions to install the app.

If the issue persists, contact Member Services & Support for further help.

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Identyfikator dokumentu: v20211215115202680
System operacyjny: Windows
Ostatnia modyfikacja: 21/12/2023