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Monitor system status in Norton Utilities Premium

The PC Status tab in Norton Utilities Premium displays the status of key areas that affect the performance of your computer such as available hard drive space, memory, and number and type of startup and running programs. Monitoring these system details can help you assess the affect of system changes and see if any unknown processes are running in the background.

Hard Drive Space

The Hard Drive Space section displays how much hard drive space is available on your computer. This section lists each of your hard drives and displays the following for each: the available hard drive space, the percentage of available hard drive space to total space, and total hard drive space.

System Memory

The System Memory section displays how much of memory is available on your computer.


Free Memory

Total Memory


The number of bytes of available RAM, with a percentage of the total

The total number of bytes of installed RAM.

Page File

The number of bytes available in the page file, with a percentage of the total

The total number of bytes that can be stored in the page file


The number of bytes of virtual memory in use by memory-intensive programs, with a percentage of the total

The number of bytes of virtual memory reserved for memory-intensive programs

Startup Programs and Running Programs

The Startup Programs section in the PC Status tab displays the programs and services that start whenever Windows loads. The Running Programs section displays the programs and services that are currently running on your computer.

The program categories available in the startup program and running program sections are:

  • System: Core components of the Windows operating system

  • Necessary: Installed and safe applications that perform core functionality

  • Unnecessary: Installed and safe applications that Norton Utilities Premium has determined are not needed

  • User Choice: Installed and safe applications (or components of such applications) that may be desired but are not required to perform core functionality

  • Unknown: Programs and components that are not recognized by Norton Utilities Premium

  • Dangerous: Software that has been identified as malicious and dangerous by Norton's research team

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DOCID: v127375039
Operativsystem: Windows
Sist endret: 24/07/2024