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Google or YouTube pages appear in different language when connected to Norton Secure VPN

After you connect to the VPN, Norton Secure VPN masks your IP address and other information that Google uses to determine your language preference. Google's systems attempt to use the information about Norton Secure VPN network to determine your preferred language.

Currently, our infrastructure supports only IPv4. However, we are working towards adding support for IPv6. In the mean time, we recommend that you disable IPv6 on your device. For more information, read: Disable Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) on your device.

Norton users are spread across the world, so using VPN services like Norton Secure VPN makes it difficult for Google to accurately determine your language preference based on the VPN information. As a result, you occasionally see the Google or YouTube pages in a different language other than your preferred language.

In the meantime, if you experience this problem, you can access Google.com without language redirection at:


Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the reliability of any data, opinions, advice, or statements made on third-party sites. We provide these links merely as a convenience. The inclusion of such links does not imply that we endorse, recommend, or accept any responsibility for the content of such sites.

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기술 자료 번호: v117552099
운영 체제: Windows
최근 수정된 날짜: 2024/07/24