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FAQ: Norton Safe Email

What is Norton Safe Email?

Norton Safe Email scans your incoming emails when you check them using a web browser.
Any malicious or phishing emails are marked with an 'Norton: Suspicious' label.

How many Email Accounts can I Protect with Norton Safe Mail?

With Norton Safe Email, you can protect up to five email accounts.

Can I unlink and remove Email Accounts?

Yes, unused Email Accounts can be removed from my.norton.com.
Under Norton Safe Email, Protected Email sections, you can click on the X icon to remove the email account.

What happens to my Flagged Emails after Product Expiry?

The existing labels will still be tagged to your emails, but new labels will not be added after product expiry.

When will my Emails start getting monitored?

Once you add your email account to Norton Safe Email, new emails that enter the inbox are monitored and flagged. It does not scan emails that are already in your inbox before you enable Norton Safe Email.

Why can't I set up Norton Safe Email with Orange Email Provider?

Due to the limitation in the Organe Mailbox, it prevents the setup of Norton Safe Email.
After the email providers resolve the issue, you can set up Norton Safe Email to work with your email account.
It is possible Orange.fr will be supported again in the future, but there's no timeline for that.

This issue applies to the following domains:
  • aim.com
  • netscape.net
  • netscape.com
  • compuserve.com
  • cs.com
  • wmconnect.com
  • mail.gm0
  • rocketmail.com

Need more help

Supported Email Providers monitored by Norton Safe Email
Set up Norton Safe Email

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기술 자료 번호: v20231106220122148
운영 체제: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
최근 수정된 날짜: 2024/06/10