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Set up Norton Safe Email

Norton Safe Email helps to protect up to five of your email addresses against phishing emails and malicious attachments. Working in the cloud, it flags emails as safe or potentially suspicious before you open them.

Set up Norton Safe Email

  1. Go to my.Norton.com and sign in with your Norton account email address and password.

  2. On the dashboard, click the Norton Safe Email tile.

  3. Click Add email account.

  4. Enter your email address, and click Next.

Select the relevent option to add an email account:


  1. Click Sign in with Google, then sign in to your Gmail account.

  2. To configure your mailbox to work with Norton Safe Email, tick the boxes next to See and edit your email labels and Read, compose, and send emails from your Gmail account, then click Continue.

  3. On the confirmation screen, you can click on Open Norton Safe Email.


  1. Click Sign in, then sign in to your Outlook account.

    • Click Yes on the permission pop-up you will receive from Outlook.

  2. On the confirmation screen, you can click on Open Norton Safe Email.

IMAP Email Providers

To set up IMAP email accounts, we accommodate multiple set-up experiences offered by different Email Providers. For a list of supported email providers, you can read Supported Email Providers monitored by Norton Safe Email.

For a few IMAP Email Providers, an app-specific password is required. This can be configured from the Email Client. The password would be different than your primary email account password.

If you need help to create a password, click How to Create App-Specific Passwords on the page.

Sample alt text

For certain IMAP Email Providers, no app-specific passwords are required. You can fill in the form with your email account address and password.

Sample alt text

For certain IMAP Email Providers, you will need to check the settings in your respective email client.

Sample alt text

For some IMAP Email Providers, you must set up your email account to work with Norton Safe Email.
Here is a list of Email Providers you can visit to set up Norton Safe Email.

If your Email Provider is not listed below, you can visit your Email Provider Support Page to enable IMAP.
Email provider Setup Instructions
Comcast App-specific password Comcast ▸ How to Set Up Your Comcast Email Address with an Email Program
GMX Enable IMAP GMX ▸ Activate or deactivate POP3 and IMAP
Mail.ru App-specific password Mail.ru ▸ IMAP, SMTP и POP3 Mail.ru
Seznam App-specific password Seznam ▸ IMAP, POP3, SMTP
Web.de Enable IMAP Web.de ▸ Serverdaten für IMAP und SMTP
Yahoo App-specific password Yahoo ▸ Generate and manage third-party app passwords
Yandex Enable IMAP Yandex ▸ Configuring desktop email clients

Remove an email account

To stop Norton Safe Email from monitoring an email account:

  1. Open your Norton Security dashboard, and select Norton Safe Email.

  2. Under Protected Email Accounts, hover your cursor over the relevant email account and click the X icon.

  3. Click Yes, Remove.

Need more help

Fix Norton Safe Email Product Errors

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기술 자료 번호: v20231009180506417
운영 체제: Windows
최근 수정된 날짜: 2024/06/10