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LiveUpdate를 실행하여 Android 장치의 Norton 360 앱을 최신 상태로 유지

LiveUpdate keeps your Norton protection up to date and helps safeguard your device from evolving cybersecurity threats.

Your Norton 360 app uses the LiveUpdate technology to download the latest security updates from Norton servers. LiveUpdate takes little time to download and process the updates.

Run LiveUpdate manually

  1. From the home screen, launch the Norton 360 app.

  2. In the top-left corner, tap the menu icon , and then tap Settings.
  3. Tap General.

  4. Under the LiveUpdate section, tap Run LiveUpdate. LiveUpdate downloads and installs all the available updates.

  5. If you see a warning about running LiveUpdate while you are connected to Mobile Data, tap Yes.

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기술 자료 번호: v137722463
운영 체제: Android
최근 수정된 날짜: 2023/09/06