
Features of Norton Safe Email

Norton Safe Email helps to protect up to five of your email addresses against phishing emails and malicious attachments. Working in the cloud, it flags emails as safe or potentially suspicious before you open them.

Connect your email account once, from one place, in as few as four clicks and you have email security, regardless of whether you’re checking at home, on-the-go, on vacation, mobile, or desktop. Works with most major email providers.

Key Features

  • Portability - Email security that goes with you! Norton Safe Email helps to protect your email, wherever you are and whatever device you’re using.

  • Scam/Phishing protection - Norton Safe Email proactively flags your emails as safe or potentially suspicious, so you know what’s safe to open and what isn’t before you open it.

  • Easy set-up/4-click setup - Norton Safe Email is simple to use. Just connect your email account once, in just a few clicks, and it proactively scans emails before they get to you, so you see the benefits wherever, whenever, and however you log in.

Need more help

Set up Norton Safe Email
FAQ: Norton Safe Email


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ほかの解決策を探す、ノートン コミュニティを閲覧する、またはサポートに問い合わせる

文書番号(ID): v20231004215250583
オペレーティングシステム: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS;Windows 10 in S Mode
最終更新日: 2024/06/10