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Error: "VPN is currently unable to connect. Error Id: 13801"

You may receive an error message when you try to connect to your VPN on your device. To know more on how to fix this issue, read Unable to connect to VPN on my device.

Norton Secure VPN/Secure VPN is no longer available for use within India as a result of governmental regulations requiring the logging and saving of user data, but you can still use your product/subscription when traveling outside of India.

Our Customer support would deliver the same message and cannot help/troubleshoot this experience if you reach our support.

This problem occurs if Norton Secure VPN fails to establish a connection to the VPN server. To fix this problem, ensure that your device is connected to a stable Internet connection and try to connect to different VPN regions.

Connect to a different VPN region

  • Wait for some time and try connecting to Secure VPN again.

  • Connect to different VPN regions.

    Example #1: If you are in USA and the VPN region is set to "Auto-Select", then, connect to USA or Canada region manually.

    Example #2: If you are in Germany and the VPN region is already selected to "Germany", then connect to closest different region "Switzerland" or "France".

If the problem persists, depending on the app, choose one of the following:

I have Norton 360

  1. Run LiveUpdate.

  2. Restart the computer.

  3. Connect to different VPN regions.

    Example #1: If you are in USA and the VPN region is set to "Auto-Select", then, connect to USA or Canada region manually.

    Example #2: If you are in Germany and the VPN region is already selected to "Germany", then connect to closest different region "Switzerland" or "France".

    If you are still seeing this error, try connecting after some time.

I have Norton Secure VPN app

  1. Open Norton Secure VPN.

  2. On top of the Norton Secure VPN app, click the user icon and click Sign out.
  3. Restart your device.

  4. Open Norton Secure VPN and sign in using your account.

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DOCID: v135460901
Sistema operativo: Windows
Ultima modifica: 14/06/2024