Egyéb termékek

Error: "The Security Code is Invalid. Try another security code"

This issue occurs, if you select an incorrect account name while signing in to your Norton account. To fix this, check if the Account Name displayed on the screen is same as the Account name on your authenticator app and try signing in again.

If the account names are different, it is likely that you have used the same authenticator app as primary and backup methods. Type in the security code from the right account and click Verify.

If the issue persists, contact Member Services & Support.

A megoldásnak köszönhetően könnyen kezelhetővé vált a probléma.

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Keresse meg a megoldásokat vagy a Kapcsolatfelvétel lehetőséget.

Operációs rendszer: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS;Windows 10 in S Mode
Utolsó módosítás: 18/06/2024