Egyéb termékek

Error: "20008" when signing in to your product

Signing into LifeLock

  • You see this error if you try signing in to LifeLock using a Norton account that does not have an active LifeLock subscription associated with it. 
  • If you have both Norton and LifeLock accounts with different usernames, ensure that you sign in with the login credentials that you created on Member Portal. 
  • If you don’t remember your LifeLock username, click Forgot username to retrieve it.

Signing into Dark Web Monitoring/Norton ID Advisor (Japan only)

  • Make sure you have accepted the consent. Consent page shows at the time of downloading. Otherwise, it shows on Dark Web Monitoring/Norton ID Advisor page after logging into your Norton Account via web browser.
  • Wait for two hours for the account to process and update.
  • Sign back in and you should now be able to access DWM/Norton ID Advisor without seeing the 20008 error.

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Operációs rendszer: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Utolsó módosítás: 24/04/2024