Activate your automatically renewing subscription

You have an automatically renewing subscription when you purchase from, or when you first set up your product or service after purchasing from a retail store, or a Norton affiliated online third-party website. You can also activate your automatically renewing subscription by signing in to your account or contacting support.

Verify and activate your automatically renewing subscription

  1. Sign in to your account to verify if Subscription Renewal is activated.

  2. In the My Subscriptions tab, next to the product or service for which you want to activate Subscription Renewal, click Activate Subscription Renewal.

    Your product or service will be automatically renewed during the next billing cycle.

    You must complete your billing details to activate your automatically renewing subscription.

For Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan:

If your order number starts with APXXXXXXXX or NPXXXXXXXX or if you have Norton 360 Standard Plus, follow the steps above to activate your automatically renewing subscription.

If your order number starts with SY, visit the below link to activate your automatically renewing subscription. You will need your order number and email address or phone number that was used when you ordered. 

Japan   Korea   China   Hong Kong   Taiwan

You can find your order number from the emails received from Norton:

  • The subject of the email is "Norton Order #NP***** purchase completed"
  • The subject of the email is "Automatic renewal service, notification of billing completion". Check the section [Order number at the point of Automatic renewal enrollment] SY********.

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DOCID: v113802545
Operating System: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Last modified: 12/07/2023