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Fix Norton Driver Updater product errors

This article is intended to help you resolve product errors that you may encounter while using Norton Driver Updater.

Select your product error:

Error: "Technical glitch"

This error appears when Norton Driver Updater cannot reach the Norton servers for unknown reasons.

We recommend that you wait for some time and then click Try again. If issue persists, close the product and relaunch it after some time.

Error: "Your hard disk is almost full."

This error appears when your computer is running low on disk space.

Check the available free disk space.

If available space is low, we recommend that you free up some space and check the status again. If your subscription plan includes Norton Utilities Ultimate, you can clean up system junk with a few clicks. For more information, see Clean up system junk with Norton Utilities Ultimate

Error: "Unable to resolve detected issue"

This error appears after you revert an updated driver to its previous verison. The issue that Norton Driver Updater detected with the driver remains unresolved. To resolve this issue, you need to update the driver a newer version that will be made available by the device manufacturer. Norton Driver Updater will notify you know when a new driver version is available.

Error: "Looks like you're offline"

This error appears when there is no Internet connection. Check and restore your Internet connection, and then click Try again.

Error: "Sorry, we've run into a problem."

Restart your computer to check whether the issue resolves automatically. If issue persists, uninstall and reinstall Norton Driver Updater.

Error: "Well, this is embarrassing"

Restart your computer to check whether the issue resolves automatically. If issue persists, uninstall and reinstall Norton Driver Updater.

Error: "Sorry, Norton Driver Updater is not supported in your current location."

Norton Driver Updater is currently not available in your region. You may not be able to use the product.

Error: "Please try updating again later"

The device driver cannot be updated now. To resolve this issue, click Continue and try updating the driver after 24 hours.

Error: "We can't revert to this version"

To resolve this issue, try reverting the driver after 24 hours.

You can only restore to driver versions that were previously updated by Norton Driver Updater. You cannot revert to a version that was updated by your operating system or by other third-party software.

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DOCID: v20230524162014493
Operating System: Windows
Last modified: 06/12/2024