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Message: "Your trial version has expired, you need to activate it now"

To check if the issue you are experiencing is related to a known system problem or outage, visit Norton Services Status page.

You may see this error message after you receive an update to your Norton product even though you have an active subscription with days remaining. To fix this problem, you need to activate the product again.

Activate your Norton product again

  1. Open your Norton device security product.

    If you see the My Norton window, next to Device Security, click Open.

  2. In the Norton window, click Activate Now.

  3. When you are prompted to sign in to your Norton account, enter your email address and password, and then click Sign In.

    If you do not remember your password, at the bottom of the window, click Forgot password? and then follow the instructions to reset the password.

  4. Once you sign in to your account, your subscription is updated automatically.

    Activating your product again does not charge you or use any additional licenses.

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DOCID: v112497205
Operating System: Windows
Last modified: 09/06/2023