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Download and install Norton App Lock

You can directly download and install Norton App Lock on your Android device from Google Play Store.

Download and install Norton App Lock

  1. From the Home screen, launch the Play Store app.

  2. Search for the "Norton App Lock" app.

  3. From the search results, select Norton App Lock, and then tap Install.

  4. After the download finishes, tap Open to launch Norton App Lock.

  5. Read the Norton License Agreement and Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy, and then tap Agree & Launch.

  6. Tap Setup to start setting up the app.

  7. In the Accessibility screen, under Services, tap Norton App Lock Service, and then move the slider to turn on Accessibility for it. Tap OK to confirm.

  8. Set an unlock pattern or passcode.

  9. Make sure that the email that is selected is correct, and then tap Continue.

    This email address is used to reset your passcode or unlock pattern in case you forget it.

  10. For additional security, in the top-left corner, tap the menu icon, and then tap Activate Device Administrator. Tap Activate to turn on the Advanced app protection feature.

  11. To enable Norton App Lock protection for an app, from the list of installed apps, tap the app.

    The selected app displays a green lock icon next to it, and requires an unlock pattern or passcode to access it.

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DOCID: v115854953
Operating System: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Last modified: 06/11/2024