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Fix problems downloading your Norton device security product

Having trouble downloading or installing is usually due to a few scenarios but don’t worry, they are often easy to fix.  We’ll walk you through the most common situations here:

Download or install doesn't start or complete

  • Your Norton device security installation begins when you run the downloaded file. To locate the downloaded file, do one of the following depending on your browser:

    • For Windows: Press Ctrl + J key, to open the Downloads window in your browser, and double-click the file that you downloaded.
    • For Mac: Press Command + Option + L, to open the Downloads window in your browser, and double-click the file that you downloaded.
  • When you start the installation and if nothing appears, there are chances that the install window is hidden behind other windows. We suggest that you minimize all open windows to see the installer.
  • If the download doesn't start or progress, we suggest that you re-download the file. For detailed instructions, read Download and install your Norton device security product.
  • If the install did not complete or if you cannot open your Norton device security, we suggest that you download and run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool. Read, Download and run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool.

Other install errors


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DOCID: kb20090505145926EN
Operating System: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Last modified: 06/17/2024