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Manage Norton Password Manager addresses

Norton Password Manager lets you add a new address detail or change the saved details.

All the addresses you have saved are listed in the Addresses window. You can edit the details of any address that you have saved. You can also delete an address if it is no longer needed.

Add an address from browser

Do one of the following:

  1. Open your browser.

  2. Click Norton Password Manager on the top-right corner of the browser.

    • If you have signed in to your Norton account

      • In the pop-up screen that appears, click Unlock vault

    • If you have not signed in to your Norton account

      • In the pop-up screen that appears, click Sign In and sign in to your account

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If you have set up Passwordless Vault Unlock, click Approve on your mobile device to log in to your Norton Password Manager vault.

    • If you have not set up Passwordless Vault Unlock, click Use Your Vault Password on your Norton Password Manager browser extension.

  4. In the Unlock your vault window, type your vault password and click Unlock.

  5. Click the Norton Password Manager extension icon and click Open Web App.

  6. In the Norton Password Manager window, click Addresses and click .
  7. In the Add an Address window, follow the on-screen instructions, and click Save.

    The saved address will appear in the Addresses tab.

You can also add an address by clicking icon in the Password Manager pop-up screen.

Edit or delete an address from browser

  1. Open your browser.

  2. Click Norton Password Manager on the top-right corner of the browser.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If you have signed in to your Norton account

      • In the pop-up screen that appears, click Unlock vault.

    • If you have not signed in to your Norton account

      • In the pop-up screen that appears, click Sign In and sign in to your account

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If you have set up Passwordless Vault Unlock, click Approve on your mobile device to log in to your Norton Password Manager vault.

    • If you have not set up Passwordless Vault Unlock, click Use Your Vault Password on your Norton Password Manager browser extension.

  5. In the Unlock your vault window, type your vault password and click Unlock.

  6. Click the Norton Password Manager extension icon and click Open Web App.

  7. In the Norton Password Manager window, click the Addresses tab, and do one of the following:

    • To edit an address, move your mouse over the address that you want to edit and then click the Edit icon. In the window that appears, make the required changes and click Save.
    • To delete an address, move your mouse over the address that you want to delete and then click the Delete icon. In the Are you sure? window, click Delete.
You can also edit an address by selecting the note that you want to edit in the Password Manager pop-up screen and clicking the Edit icon.

Add an address on Android or iOS

  1. Log on to Norton Password Manager app.

  2. In the vault screen, tap Addresses.

  3. Tap the plus icon available at the top of the screen.

  4. In the Create New Address section, enter the required details.

  5. Tap the tick icon.

    You can add an address to your Favorites.

Edit or delete an address on Android or iOS

  1. Log on to Norton Password Manager app.

  2. In the vault screen, tap Addresses.

  3. Tap the address that you want to edit or delete.

    You can also search for an address in the search box.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To edit an address, tap the edit icon available at the top right corner of the screen, do the required changes, and then tap the tick icon.

    • To delete an address, tap Delete this Address at the bottom right corner of the screen and confirm deletion in the warning dialog. Based on your setting, you may be asked a Vault password to complete the deletion.

Video: How to manage your Password Manager vault

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DOCID: v89760624
Operating System: Android;Windows;iOS
Last modified: 09/21/2023