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Activate or renew your Norton Family subscription

You must activate or renew your subscription before the trial or subscription period ends to continue to use Norton Family and keep your children protected.

You can either purchase a subscription or enter a new product key that you have already purchased to renew the Norton family.

Purchase a subscription

You can purchase a subscription during your trial or subscription period using the Norton Family website, Norton Family parental app for Android and iOS, or the renewal email that you received from Norton.
  1. Open your Norton Family application or the renewal email.

    If you do not have Norton Family installed on any of your devices, you can sign in to the Norton Family website.

  2. Click on Renew Now and follow the instructions for secure checkout.

Enter a product key

  1. Sign in to Norton Family.

  2. If your subscription has expired, click I have a Key on the subscription alert.

    If your subscription is about to expire, click the product key box at the bottom of the page.

  3. Enter the 25-character key that you received from Norton.

    If you use a product key, the remaining days with your current subscription do not get added to the subscription associated with the new key.

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DOCID: v125264715
Operating System: Android;Windows;iOS
Last modified: 09/06/2023