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Norton Family support for browsers, search engines, and video hosting websites

For activity monitoring, Norton Family supports only the following web browsers, search engines, and video hosting sites.

Supported web browsers

Norton Family supports the following web browsers to monitor web activity for your child:

  • Windows:

    • Mozilla Firefox*
    • Google Chrome*
    • Microsoft Edge (version 88.0 or later)*

    *Current and previously-released major versions.

  • Android:

    • Supports the default Android browser
    • Chrome for Android version 18.0.1025123 and higher
    • In-app browser
  • iOS:

    • In-app browser

Search engines (For Windows only)

Norton Family monitors and records the search activities of your children on the following search engines:

  • Google*
  • Yahoo*
  • Ask*
  • Bing*

*Uses Safe Search as well

Video Hosting websites

When your kids watch a YouTube playlist in Chrome on an Android phone or tablet, the address bar gets automatically hidden. In this case, Norton Family cannot monitor and report such individual playlist videos as separate activities. So, to get the best from Norton Family, ask your children to use the Norton Family browser for browsing activities on their mobile devices.

Norton Family monitors and records the video activities of your child on the following video-hosting websites:

  • YouTube

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DOCID: kb20090430145000EN
Operating System: Android;Windows;iOS
Last modified: 08/19/2024