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Message: "The product key you entered is associated with another Norton account"

You received this message because the product key you have entered is registered to a different Norton account than the one you are signed in to.

You do not need the product key to reinstall your protection on the same device or to install on an additional device. For detailed instructions to install your Norton protection, read Install device security.

Sign in to the correct account

  1. Sign out from your account.

  2. Sign in to your account with the other email address.

    If you forgot your password or have issues receiving the recovery email, read Reset your account password.

    If you do not find the product key in your account, check if you have created an account with an old email address. If you do not have access to your old email, contact Member Services and Support for assistance.

  3. Verify the product key that you entered is available in the My Subscriptions tab.

    Try an alternate email address if your subscription is not displayed. Use the Forgot password? link if you need to reset the password for an older account.

  4. Click Download.

    Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

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DOCID: v125910927
Operating System: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Last modified: 06/05/2024