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Download and install Norton Utilities Ultimate

Norton Utilities Ultimate is an optimization tool that detects unnecessary items and performance issues on your Windows PC, optimizes disk space, and improves the speed of your computer.

If your Norton subscription includes Norton Utilities Ultimate, follow the instructions in this article to download and install Norton Utilities Ultimate.

Download and install Norton Utilities Ultimate

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Hover the mouse pointer over your name at the top-right corner and click My Subscriptions.

  3. In the My Subscription page, under Norton Utilities Ultimate, click Download.

  4. In the Get Started window, click the License and Services Agreement link and read the agreement.

  5. Click Agree and Download and wait for the download to complete.

  6. Once the download completes, press Ctrl + J keys, to open the Downloads window in your browser.

  7. Double-click the setup file that you downloaded.

  8. If the User Account Control window appears, click Continue.

  9. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

After installation is complete, your Norton Utilities Ultimate subscription gets activated automatically.

If you experience any installation issues:

  • Ensure your Windows PC meets the minimum system requirements and your operating system is up to date. For more information about the system requirements, see System requirements to install and set up Norton protection.

  • Check if the downloaded setup file is corrupted. If so, we recommend that you delete it, restart your computer, and try downloading again by following the above instructions.

  • Enter your Norton product key if prompted for the product key. To find your product key, see Using your Norton product key.


If you still need help, contact Member Services and Support.

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DOCID: v20230308160804639
Operating System: Windows
Last modified: 06/23/2024