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Download and install Norton AntiTrack extension on your Safari browser

After you install Norton AntiTrack on your Mac device, you receive a prompt to install the extension on your Safari browser.  To install Norton AntiTrack extension on your Safari browser, follow the steps:

The following steps contain instructions to install Norton AntiTrack extension on your Safari browser present in Mac. To install Norton AntiTrack extension on your Safari browser present in your iOS device, refer to Set up Norton AntiTrack extension on your Safari browser

  1. Launch Norton AntiTrack on Mac.

  2. Sign in to your account.

  3. In the Let's get started! window, click Add to Safari.

  4. Launch Safari.

  5. Click Safari on the top-left corner of the screen and click Preferences.

  6. In the General window that appears, click the Extensions tab.

  7. On the left pane, enable the checkbox next to Norton AntiTrack.

    Sample alt text

    In the prompt that appears, click Turn On.

    Sample alt text

  8. In the Extension window, click Always Allow on every Website.

    Sample alt text

    In the prompt that appears, click Always Allow on every Website.

    Sample alt text

  9. In the Norton AntiTrack window, click Next.

    Norton AntiTrack extension is enabled on your Safari browser.

After updating your Norton AntiTrack app to the latest version, you may see the following error message when you open the Norton AntiTrack app or extension.

Norton AntiTrack differs from previously opened versions. Are you sure you want to open it?

To fix this problem, click Open Anyway displayed on the screen.

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DOCID: v20220422092311389
Operating System: Mac
Last modified: 06/17/2024