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Enable or disable Operating System Trackers in Norton AntiTrack

Your Windows operating system generates a unique advertising ID for each user on a device. This is used by developers and advertising networks for activities such as providing relevant advertising in applications. When the advertising ID is enabled, applications can access and use it in the same way websites can access and use a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Thus, advertising companies can collect personal data about you and use it to provide more relevant advertising and other personalized experiences across their apps.

The Windows OS Tracker blocking feature in Norton AntiTrack helps you to keep your online activities private by blocking tracking activities and targeted advertisements by the Windows operating system.

This feature is enabled on Norton AntiTrack by default. To disable OS tracker blocking feature, follow the steps:

  1. Launch Norton AntiTrack.

  2. On the Norton AntiTrack home screen, click Settings on the bottom-right corner of your screen.

  3. On the Settings screen, move the slider to disable the OS Tracker Blocking feature.

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DOCID: v20230512131947273
Operating System: Windows
Last modified: 06/17/2024