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Restore your hardware driver to previous version

Norton Driver Updater is a diagnostic tool from Norton that helps update your hardware drivers to the latest  available version. If you encounter any problem with an updated driver, Norton Driver Updater helps you resolve the issue by restoring the driver to its previous version.

Before updating an outdated driver, Norton Driver Updater automatically saves a backup of the current version. This way, you can revert to the older version in case you run into an issue with the updated driver.

While problematic drivers are marked with an Issue detected label, you may want to revert an updated driver to its previous version if you experience any trouble using the hardware component after the last driver update. Follow the below instructions to learn how to revert an updated driver to its previous version.

You can only restore the driver versions that were previously updated by Norton Driver Updater. You cannot revert to a version that was updated by your operating system or by other third-party software.

Revert a driver to its previous version

  1. Open Norton Driver Updater.

  2. In the Norton Driver Updater window, click Solve now.

  3. In the What are you having troubles with? window, select a hardware tile, and then click Show results.

  4. In the results window that appears, filter the items as per the hardware component that is causing issues.

    If you are unsure, click Last updated to view the drivers that were recently updated.

  5. Select the driver that you want to revert and click Revert selected.

    To revert all listed drivers, select all items and click Revert all.

  6. In the confirmation window, click Continue.

    Wait for Norton Driver Updater to revert the driver(s) to the previous version.

Configure settings for the backup folder

  1. Open Norton Driver Updater.

  2. In the Norton Driver Updater window, click Menu > Settings.

  3. On the left pane, under Driver Updater, click Backup.

  4. Under Auto delete backups, do the following:

    • Delete older backups from your PC regularly: Select a duration for deleting older backups.

      Backup data grow over a period and occupy more disk space. It is important to get rid of older backups regularly to regain disk space and improve your computer's performance. We recommend that you always keep this option turned on.

    • Maximum backup folder size: Set the maximum size limit for your backup folder. When the backup folder reaches the threshold limit, newer backups override the older ones. The minimum disk space requirement for the backup folder is 2 GB.

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DOCID: v20230522171518649
Operating System: Windows
Last modified: 06/12/2024