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Open Norton Password Manager vault from your browser extension

Norton Password Manager is available as a separate browser extension on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge browsers. To use Norton Password Manager from the browser extension, follow the steps:

  1. Open the browser.

  2. Click the Norton Password Manager extension on the top-right corner of the screen.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If you have signed in to your Norton account

      • In the pop-up screen that appears, click Unlock Vault.

    • If you have not signed in to your Norton account

      • In the pop-up screen that appears, click Sign In and sign in to your account

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If you have set up Passwordless Vault Unlock, click Approve on your mobile device to log in to your Norton Password Manager vault.

    • If you have not set up Passwordless Vault Unlock, click Use Your Vault Password on your Norton Password Manager browser extension.

  5. In the Unlock Your Vault screen, enter your vault password and click Unlock.

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DOCID: v80684417
Operační systém: Windows
Poslední úprava: 21. 09. 2023