Learn more about court record notification

We scan court records for activity that matches your personal information. Matches could result from a data entry error, or someone using your identity as an alias to avoid arrest. You may have received this notification because:

  • You were charged with an offense

  • You have been a victim of identity theft

  • The court records are inaccurate

When criminals are arrested, they are prompted to identify themselves. Some of these criminals will use fraudulent identities. We check court records for matches of your name and date of birth to criminal activity. This helps notify you if you have been falsely linked to arrests and convictions you know nothing about so it may be corrected.

Respond to your notification

Verify that the identity and offense information is accurate. If both are correct, no further action is required. If your personal information is correct but you did not commit the offense, refer to the next steps in your notification on Member Portal¹ or My Norton.

§For Norton offerings provided to you by a Service Provider or through channels outside the United States, the LifeLock identity theft protection services and coverage, plan feature names and functionality might differ from the services offered directly by Norton. Please contact your Service Provider for details on their Norton plan offerings.

¹For plans purchased from LifeLock.

DOCID: v127344315
Operating System: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Last modified: 2024-05-29